That Guy's Good!

A few days ago I ran into one of the best salespeople I know.  I have worked with him for several years, know him personally, and I'm a client.  He doesn't sell real estate.  He sells a product and service that are much more difficult to move in a down market: custom clothing.  

You might think anyone in that industry would be moping, whining, and looking for different work in 2010.  Not this guy.  After a short conversation with a lot of questions on his techniques, he shared that his business is up 38% this year.  He optimistically, energetically, and positively told me, "But my goal is 41% and I'm going to get there."  In addition he knew exactly how many appointments he had this year (I believe it was 144), and he knows that he makes a sale on 85% of those appointments.   As you might expect, he is strong on service, knows his product upside down (literally), and makes everything easy for the client. 

I asked him how he performed so well.  His answer: "Stale water stinks."  That's what his  former boss taught him when he was starting.  Its a metaphor to teach us that we must always keep moving, making appointments, and adding people to our network.  We can't grow stale; we must learn, churn, and earn. 

What's the take away from this seasoned pro?
  • The market doesn't define me or my ability to succeed.  I do.
  • Know your numbers
  • Meet everyone you can.  Concentrate on meeting the right people for your service. 
  • Expect to succeed. 
His name is Greg Pittman.  I appreciate the visit and his inspiration.  By the way, he made another sale. 

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