Frustrated Sellers

As we enter the fall season, seller frustrations may increase.  It's possible that you may even have a seller like the one in this video.  What she's really communicating are four areas of concern:
  • Uncertain Communication
  • Unconvinced on pricing data
  • Unclear on Upcoming steps
  • Unrealistic expectations
Believe it or not, these are four failures in the service of the agent.  We do best by taking responsibility for these areas and making corrections.  Regarding communication, make sure you that you define your communication process when you list the property. I recommend a weekly call or e-mail .... every week!  It's always better to initiate the contact rather than respond to one.

To get the seller onboard with right pricing, make sure that you are updating your client with comparable sales throughout their listing cycle.  Agent feedback (chase it) and systematic reports from the MLS on comparable new listings will also help.  A really tough client may merit an appraisal to establish a reasonable listing price.

If the seller doesn't know what's coming next, there's only one person to blame.  Make sure your seller is informed by having a written or posted plan that covers up to one year's worth of marketing activity.  Sure you may repeat many steps, but always demonstrate action on a weekly basis toward the goal of selling that property. If you have a long marketing cycle, consider meeting the seller personally on a monthly or quarterly basis to supplement your correspondence and calls. 

Unrealistic expectations can be countered over time.  Charts, news stories, video footage can all be your allies as you paint an accurate picture of market conditions.  Particularly important is data that reveals the realities of changing market conditions.  What can you use to demonstrated the reality of declining prices this Fall?  

So let's replace those first four qualities above by being proactive in each area.  Soon you will have a seller that is
  • Confident about your communications
  • Certain about the need for a compelling price
  • Clear on the next steps
  • Cerebral about what will happen in the market.
That client makes for a much better interaction with you and a lot less stress in your listing service.

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