Make 'Em Glad You Called

Okay real estate agents, we are entering the dreaded time of year when prospects begin to say, "We're going to wait until the holidays are over to decide."  Yikes!  We need some activity now.  What's the solution?  One method is to make sure you are making sphere contacts routinely and effectively.  Here's a few suggestion for making the most of calls to your past clients and friendly contacts.
  • Start by planning your call: What is the primary result you want from this interaction? Write it down and visualize that outcome as you dial each set of phone numbers. 
  • Stand when you call- it will change the whole dynamic of your voice.
  • Smile - again it changes the tone of your voice and the energy we bring to the call.
  • Wear a Headset- it's hard for humans to talk without gestures! Wave those hands, raise your arms, and poke a finger or two to make some points.
  • Remember the F.O.R.D model - ask about their family, occupation, recreation and dreams.
  • Make your offer 10% of the call content, and make it quick.  
  • Tell them the best things happening at your office.  Success, results,  and impact are always good to share.
  • Close with a request for a favor.  "I have a favor to ask .... "  then state a specific way they can help you build your business.
  • Three Minute Limit: your goal is to make calls efficiently; we've got a lot of people who need to hear from us.  Leave them wanting more rather than weary from an interruption.  Engage, Energize, and Exit.  
Now I have a favor to ask, can you share this post with another agent today and let me know how you are implementing?  

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