Did You Hear THAT Message?

What if the last message you left for a prospect was played over the speaker system in your office?  Last week, our team did just that.  After a lot of prodding, we had four brave agents who left me a voice mail demonstrating their skills for routine voice messages to their sphere and past clients.  We then played those recordings in our sales meeting for everyone to hear.  Thanks to their bravery and excellence, here's what we learned from listening to these great professionals:

  • It's important to be seductive/attractive, but not creepy:  Tone of voice is a huge part of the impact. Finding the balance between friendly & not-too-friendly is critical. 
  • Leave your phone number early in the message.
  • Make a personal connection - this often comes from an excellent memory or even better, notes in your database. 
  • Energy: you have to bring the energy level WAY UP.  Take a quick walk before you start your calls, stand while making them, use a headset so you can gesture, and make sure you are smiling.  
  • Quick message: nobody likes listening to blah, blah, blah.  Get your message across in 25-40 seconds.
  • Impact: impact comes from knowing what you are going to communicate.  Write a script or bullet points before you make your calls to keep yourself on message. 
Stay on task with your call frequency, add these points for quality, and expect some new business to come your way. Have a great week servicing clients! 

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