Humble Beginnings

Whew! 2009 is now behind us.  As we begin the new year, many of us find ourselves in positions that we may not have experienced before now.  It certainly isn't the place that most of us planned.  We have all had to cut back, trim down, watch expenses, and work harder ... for less income.  With the start of a new year, there is great opportunity, a chance to reboot, and a time to improve our outcomes.  Regardless of where you find yourself today, consider it the starting point to the goals you most desire.

If you are familiar with I-95 through North and South Carolina, you may have seen the many Pedro signs.  They are tacky, corny, annoying, and there must be a thousand of them leading into the tourist trap known as "South of the Border."  It is a place where you can buy a velvet Elvis, a bobble-head dog, or even a whoopi cushion.  High class all the way!

Now that you have that image in mind, consider a startling contrast, Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2009, chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke.  Mr. Bernanke is poised, professional, powerful, and smart - very smart. The beard; the suit... very polished.   Pedro's South of the Border and Ben Bernanke couldn't be farther apart in their images.  Yet, one of the strange things I read in the Time article was that Mr. Bernanke had one of his first jobs working not far from his childhood home in Dillon, South Carolina, at South of the Border!
So maybe you start 2010 in a humble place, but put no limits on where this year may lead you in accomplishments, relationships, and profits.  Make a good start on I-2010 and I look forward to seeing you on the cover of your accomplishments twelve months from now.

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