Diving In!

Today I received an e-mail from a young man who works in the admissions office at my daughter’s college. The subject matter was administrative, but I noticed his valediction (yes, I had to do a search to find this word which translates to “final words” or “sign off”). The words before his name and contact information were “in brave pursuit of chivalrous emprise.”   Wow! That’s the way to make an impression at the end of one’s correspondence.

As we finish out 2009, I hope you have written goals in hand, specific intentions in mind, and a clear plan for your next thirty days. If you do, you are already traveling the path to success. If not, there is still time to act. We do not have to define everything that is to happen, but let’s be clear about our commitments and prepared to take action on our “emprise” (an Old English word for enterprise or task. I had to look that one up to :)

As some of you know, swimming is a big part of my past and an ongoing part of my life when it is a bit warmer than today. At the beginning of every workout, there is a transcendent moment when time seems to stop. I am always reluctant to enter the water to start my laps. I find the transition from air to water a bit shocking to my system, even in summer months. But I have developed a routine. I don’t wade into the water or enter slowly. With one big swing of my arms and a forceful push from the legs, I dive boldly into the air. In this short second I find the transcendent moment between land and water. It is always a bit magical, mystical, and momentous to hang in the air between two environments. That energy quickly translates into submersion and the propulsive energy to glide and kick about fifteen yards before breaking the surface with the first stroke.

As you finish 2009, take some time to linger between the two surfaces of these different years. Consider what you want to accomplish. Channel your thoughts, your spirit, and your resources to go in the direction of your choosing. An energy will come that will carry you well on your way. Set your course, be well intentioned, and begin the brave pursuit of your chivalrous emprise for 2010. Let me know your plans, and I wish you all the best as we turn the calendar. Happy New Year!

Here's a link to a song called, Dive, that reflects the theme well.

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