Look Ahead

The other morning I awoke to distant grumbling and the feel of vibrations in the framing of our home.  Thankfully it wasn't large termites, but it was the sound of construction on I540 in SW Apex.  When the D.O.T. comes through, they come through.  The site near my home looks a lot like the first picture in this blog.  As I was reflecting, I thought this was a pretty good metaphor of an agent's typical work day.  Activity going in every direction.  Return the calls, read the e-mails, catch the inspector, and get out some marketing. Scramble, scramble, scramble.  

However, there is another view of the work.  I symbolize it in the second image here.  It is the map of the same road in western Wake County.  Maps help us see a perspective that is beyond our immediate vista.  They give us the big picture.  Here's the application:  Make sure you consider both the ground work and the aerial view. As we enter the second half of 2010, take a some time this week to consider where you are now and what you want accomplished by December 31st.  Carve out an hour to ask yourself what's working, what needs adjusting, and how to move from the demands of today to the primary objectives you set for this year.  Write your answers on paper, and consider three activities you can do to adjust your course. Write those down, too.  If you do, you will build a much better road to your achievements. 

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