It Takes Two

Okay quick trivia, can you remember all these partnerships?:
  • Bert & Ernie
  • Sculley & Mulder
  • Crockett & Tubbs
  • Lucy and Ethel
  • Frasier & Niles (my favorite)
  • Andy & Barney
  • Pinky & the Brain
They were all partnerships that succeeded in a variety of ways and formats.  Solving crime, surviving the ordeals of housewives, the complexities of brotherhood, and of course to rule the world - these are some of the issues that these couples explore on American television.
Like C&C Music Factory, I have come to believe that "it takes two to make a thing go right."  In real estate sales, we can benefit from a partnership, particularly one that involves accountability for goal performance.  Initiate and measure an accountability partner with these criteria:

  • Intention - you both want the relationship in order to perform your prospecting activities and increase performance.
  • Encouragement - who wants a grumpy partner? Make sure she is someone inspiring.
  • Tough- they don't accept those lame excuses; we don't need another person to let us off the hook.
  • Clarity - your goals are written, shared, and you both have deadlines for performance.
  • Check in - you both agree on how and when you will monitor performance.
  • Reward - what's all that hard work without some celebration?  Have a beer, enjoy some coffee, get your nails done, or go to the game. 
The great real estate partnership has yet to break through on a television series, but in the mean time, make sure you are part of a memorable one in your office.  I know I wouldn't have completed this post without the nudge of my own partner who kept me from loafing too much on the weekend.  Thanks, Bonnie ;)

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