
Sometimes we have energetic intentions, but sluggish action.  Take for example those three key phone calls you have been sitting on for the past week :)  What can you do to get unstuck and back on the track of smooth progress.  Here's a few ideas to scrape the gum off your work shoes:
Work in a different location: Park your car in front of favorite food place; when you've made ten calls, you get the reward.  If you're watching the calories, makes some calls from the park or another relaxing place.  Take your laptop to a different coffee shop. If you belong to a multi-office company, try one of the other sites.   Take that project that requires un-interrupted time to the nearest library branch.  
* Have a contest: get an office mate to share their own challenge.  Whoever completes the task first on a given day gets a free coffee, sandwich, or beer sponsored by the other dude. 
* Do it now: Just throw the calendar out, and decide to do it now.  Right now.  Everything stops until I get this one project done.  Sorry, junior, I will be late picking you up at school today OR I am going to work really quickly. Don't even read the rest of this post.
* Tell your manager, spouse, parent, or kids:  "Please contact me at 5 p.m. today and ask me if I completed this task."  Accountability does wonders. 

Now get busy. 

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