Laser Power

Real estate practice sometimes reminds me of a bunch of paper clips that enthusiastically escape their box. These clips scatter all across the table in random directions and patterns.  Chasing our activities as agents is a lot like collecting those scattered paper clips.  Every day our careful preparation gets scattered across our planners with the new leads, current demands, and last-minute details.  What we plan to get done, often goes undone. 

Rick Warren reminded me of the power of light this week (Day 3 of PDL).  It can be soft, diffused, and undetected.  But channel it to a polished glass, and we suddenly have laser power.  Same light but very different results.  Lasers cut steel, accurately target objects on earth from outer space, and make precise cuts in the human eye to restore sight.  Channeled light is extremely powerful.

Yesterday at our office meeting, we were discussing the influence of working together vs. flying solo.  We were reviewing our performance so far in 2010, and I brought out some discussion on what we could target for achievement by year's end.  The following conversation and contributions from each of our agents created a demonstrable and increased level of energy.  I left that meeting feeling very excited and enabled to achieve new things.  The cause?  We channeled our thoughts and commitments into a common goal.  We created a laser for our team.  It is absolutely clear what we need to do and what contribution each of us can make.

It's not quite a commercial grade laser, but let's consider the magnifying glass for getting our own light  harnessed this week.  Here are a few points to execute:

  • Hold it Steady:  you have to know the target and keep your focus on it.  What's your goal?  Can you clearly and simply state it in a few words?  Take a few moments to write it down and put it in a place you often look.
  •  Polish the Glass: every day there will be challenges that cloud the clarity of your vision.  Revisit the vision often.  I suggest three times a day reading the goal that you plan to achieve.  Bringing it to conscious level channels the energy you will need to achieve it. 
  • Intensify the Goal: one way to accomplish this is by sharing your goal with other people.  Discuss it with your spouse, review it with your manager, and let some of your colleagues know.  It may feel awkward, but that extra attention draws more light to fire through your glass.  

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