Ready for Video

Video search is becoming a key component of the Internet experience.  Hopefully you can capture video with either your smart phone, tablet, or digital camera.  Then its a matter of posting to your choice of hosting sites like YouTube or Vimeo.  Once we have the technology down, you may crash into a wall called "Content."   To help you get off the mark and into action, here are some suggestions for developing your content:

Think like Your Audience:  we often get stumped on our own perspective.  What's critical is to answer the question, "What does my audience want to watch?"  Survey past clients in your daily prospecting, make it a point of conversation at open houses,  and chat it up at your next event.  You will quickly develop a list of ideas.

Imagine the Screen:  Instead of getting nervous in front of camera or mumbling your lines, give some thought to what's going onto the screen.  Imagine what images and backgrounds you want.  Position your self in the center, to the right or come in from an angle - give it some consideration before you start filming.

Plan It:  The story board is where directors plot out their work.  You don't want too many scenes (leads to more editing work), but draw a few out to visualize your film before you create it.

Someone Else:  Some of you just are not eager to be in front of the camera.  Good news!  You don't have to be the star of the show.  Put out great video content with other people as the celebrities.  Here are two key sources -

Endorsements: Past clients and others who have worked with you professionally can make strong leads. Let them tell the world what's great about working with you, how their real estate story unfolded, and what to expect from your service approach.

Love Your Network:  No - not NBC, CBS, or ESPN.  Your network.  Your vendor team, reps from your charity, and local civic officials can all make great interviews.  Consider pulling in the town planner to describe the next road expansion, a small town mayor to promote the new park, or your non-profit friend to tell us about their work.

Keep at it, and get that video going!  I look forward to watching your channel.

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